Bohuslav Reynek
Narodil se v rodině statkáře 31. května 1892 v Petrkově u Havlíčkova Brodu. Když otec statek v Petrkově pronajal a celá rodina se odstěhovala do Jihlavy, studoval na německé reálce, kde na něho měl značný vliv M. Eisler (pozdější docent dějin umění na vídeňské univerzitě), který u Reynka probudil zájem o poezii a malířství. Na jihlavské reálce rovněž navštěvoval hodiny kreslení, což bylo jeho jediné výtvarné vzdělání. Na otcovo přání odešel do Prahy, kde začal studovat zemědělský obor na c. k. Vysoké škole technické, kterou však už v listopadu pro naprostý nezájem opustil a vrátil se do Petrkova. Odtud se v prosinci vydal na svou první cestu do francouzské Bretaně; tehdy také začal malovat a psát poezii - svoje první verše otiskl 1913 v Moderní revui. |
Bohuslav Reynek was born on May 21 1892 in Petrkov near Havlickuv Brod to a landowner`s family. When his father leased the farm in Petrkov, the family moved to Jihlava, where Reynek studied at a German secondary school. There he met M. Eisler ( later senior lecturer in History of Arts at Vienna university), who influenced his interests in poetry and painting. At the same time he attended lessons of drawing and that was his only art education. To grant his father`s wish he went to Prague to study agricultural course at Polytechnic college but he left already in November for an absolute lack of interest, and went back to Petrkov. A month later he set out on his first journey to French Brittany, where he began to paint and write poetry – he published his first poems in Modern Revue in 1913. In 1914 he met the publisher Josef Florian and they worked together until Reynek`s death. Between 1926 and 1936 he and his family lived regularly half a year in France and the other half a year in Petrkov. After his father`s death he stayed in Petrkov for good and took charge of management of the farm. Among Czech writers he found friends in F. Halas, V. Holan and I. Divis, among artists in J. Capek, V. Hofman and J. Serych Reynek`s first exhibition in Bohemia took place in Pardubice in 1929 at Vlastimil Vokolek`s initiative. In December 1932 Reynek wrote a letter to Vokolek and asked him to get some brochure, which would give him information about the dry-point technique, and send it to him to France. Vokolek sent him Simon`s “ The guide for graphic artists”, which helped Reynek to become the type of graphic as we know him nowadays. During the German occupation Reynek was forced to lease the farm to Germans and then in June 1944 to leave Petrkov. He and his family moved to Stara Rise to live with Josef Florian`s children and he stayed till the end of the war. In 1945 he moved back to Petrkov and worked on the farm again. However in 1949 his farm became a part of The State Farm in Petrkov, so he worked there as a farm labourer until 1957. He devoted the rest of his life to graphic and poetry writing . His first post-war exhibition did not take place until 1964. After this exhibition of etchings at the Music theatre in Usti, Reynek became very popular. There were more and more exhibitions, TV crews and journalists found their ways to Petrkov, students, artists and poets began to visit him. Petrkov became a cult place for artistic generation of the 60`s. Reynek did not attend his exhibitions, did not notice TV crews and his responses to journalists were only monosyllabic. He did not want anyone or anything to disturb his silent solitude. |